WHO Corner to Corner | Doctor Who Podcast
One Whoniverse. Fifteen Doctors (give or take). Two (though sometimes three) Whovians and a wealth of special guests from all corners of our favourite show! Join us as we explore the worlds of Doctor Who, past, present and future with cast, crew and fans from around the world!
Previous show guests include…
Chris Chibnall, Sophie Aldred, Colin Baker, Jo Martin, Andrew Cartmel, Stephen Gallagher, Rona Munro, Phil Ford, Miranda Raison, Ray Holman, Al Dewar, Lisa Greenwood, Craige Els, Sam Spruell, Dan Starkey, Pete Levy, Kevin McNally, Bhavnisha Parmar and many more!
WHO Corner to Corner | Doctor Who Podcast
Doctor Who Review | Flux: Chapter 4 - Village of the Angels
Send us a text and let us know what you think of our podcast!
After last weeks shocking cliffhanger of an ending - to the podcast that is - find out what happened when an Angel got Geoff in this episode! It's a cracker!
Then, after last weeks shocking cliffhanger of an ending - in the episode of the show - find out what we thought of this weeks episode, Village of the Angels.
We also hear from other Whovians and what they thought of the episode but we aren't spoiling any of it here...put your earphones in and hit play to find out what we all thought!
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Who Corner to Corner: Great guests and 100% positive Doctor Who chat!