


Out of all of time and space, one show connected with me more than any other and I’ve never loved it more than I do now.

I’ve been a Whovian since Sylvester McCoy graced our screens back in my youthful days and now, I proudly claim Jodie Whittaker’s Thirteenth Doctor as MY Doctor.

Her fresh, vibrant, optimistic and positive take on the Doctor and the adventures she had resonated with me enormously.

I love reading DW books and comics, getting lost in a Big Finish drama, going to conventions, events and exhibitions, meeting the occasional Doctor and being part of the fandom.

I hope you enjoy our podcast and journeying from one corner of the Whoniverse to the other and beyond with us!


I am a 100% self-confessed Doctor Who nerd. It's true! Cut me like a stick of rock & you'll see the names of every producer from Verity Lambert to Chris Chibnall & beyond etched into my bones.
As a child of the 1970s I grew up with Tom Baker's wide-eyed stare creeping me out every Saturday night. I was the kid who cycled to the library every week, returning home with a Tesco carrier-bag stuffed with hardback Target novels knocking against the spokes of my Chopper.
In those days I lived for Doctor Who, Star Wars, Star Trek - anything with laser beams & cool spaceships. Now married with kids, my role in the world may have changed but my love of Doctor Who remains as strong as ever.
I'm a fan of Doctor Who in all its forms. I've been there throughout the show's many changes, and long may that continue.


My first Doctor Who was 'The Pilot' with Peter Capaldi and Pearl Mackie as the Doctor and Bill. I was 10 years old and that story really resonated with me. 

I watched the rest of that series alongside my Dad, enjoying all the surprises as they unfolded: Missy, the Master, the Cybermen! All these things were new to me and I was excited for more!

Then my Dad introduced me to Rose, and I caught up on all the Doctor Who stories I'd missed with the 9th, 10th and the 11th Doctors. I also watched some of the older stories like An Unearthly Child, Genesis of the Daleks, The Brain of Morbius and Remembrance of the Daleks. The older stories are definitely more scary! Don't ask me why, they just are.

When Jodie Whittaker was announced as the 13th Doctor I was excited, and I really enjoyed her stories.