WHO Corner to Corner | A Doctor Who Podcast
One Whoniverse. Fifteen Doctors (give or take). Two (though sometimes three) Whovians and a wealth of special guests from all corners of our favourite show! Join us as we explore the worlds of Doctor Who, past, present and future with cast, crew and fans from around the world!
Previous show guests include…
Chris Chibnall, Sophie Aldred, Colin Baker, Jo Martin, Miranda Raison, Ray Holman, Al Dewar, Lisa Greenwood, Craige Els, Sam Spruell, Dan Starkey, Pete Levy, Kevin McNally, Bhavnisha Parmar and many more!
252 episodes
The Current State of Doctor Who!!!
Doctor Who returned in 2024 with a brand new Doctor and a returning, much requested showrunner at the helm! But... was it all it was cracked up to be? Was it all it was meant to be?And what now does the future hold for the show? ...
Season 1
Episode 190

The Current State of Doctor Who!!! 🚀EXPLORERS
Doctor Who returned in 2024 with a brand new Doctor and a returning, much requested showrunner at the helm! But... was it all it was cracked up to be? Was it all it was meant to be?And what now does the future hold for the show? ...
Subscriber Episode

Orphan 55 - The First Time with Al Dewar | Doctor Who Episode Review | Thirteenth Doctor
Welcome to The First Time with Al Dewar on Who Corner to Corner podcast!This is a new feature for us in which we watch, or discuss, an episode that we, or a guest, haven't seen before!First up on The First Time is Al's fi...
Season 1
Episode 188

Orphan 55 - The First Time with Al Dewar | Doctor Who Episode Review | Thirteenth Doctor
Welcome to The First Time with Al Dewar on Who Corner to Corner podcast!This is a new feature for us in which we watch, or discuss, an episode that we, or a guest, haven't seen before!First up on The First Time is Al's fi...
Subscriber Episode

Doctor Who: The Visitation Parts 3 & 4 | COMMENTARY
We're back! With Part 2 of our commentary on the 5th Doctor's 1982 adventure in medieval land, The Visitation! As the Doctor and his three intrepid companions negotiate their way through a mesmerising tale ...
Season 1
Episode 188

The Visitation Parts 3 & 4: COMMENTARY! 🚀EXPLORERS
We're back! With Part 2 of our commentary on the 5th Doctor's 1982 adventure in medieval land, The Visitation!As the Doctor and his three intrepid companions negotiate their way through a mesmerising tale o...
Subscriber Episode

Doctor Who: Joy to the World | REVIEWED!
Why is the Doctor popping up at different places, different times, to offer bemused hotel guests, travellers and explorers a cheese toastie and a pumpkin latte?What is the mystery which lies behind 'that door' in your hotel room?...
Season 1
Episode 187

Doctor Who - Robot: Parts 3&4 | Commentary with Al Dewar
The newly regenerated Doctor is in dire trouble, knocked unconscious by Kettlewell's crazy hair as the neo-fascists gain control of the deadly disintegrator gun! Meanwhile the increasingly unstable K1 Robot starts to form an atta...
Season 1
Episode 186

Joy to the World - REVIEWED! 🚀
Why is the Doctor popping up at different places, different times, to offer bemused hotel guests, travellers and explorers a cheese toastie and a pumpkin latte?What is the mystery which lies behind 'that door' in your hotel room?...
Subscriber Episode

Doctor Who - Robot: Parts 3&4 | Commentary with Al Dewar 🚀
The newly regenerated Doctor is in dire trouble, knocked unconscious by Kettlewell's crazy hair as the neo-fascists gain control of the deadly disintegrator gun! Meanwhile the increasingly unstable K1 Robot starts to form an atta...
Subscriber Episode

Doctor Who - Robot: Parts 1&2 | Commentary with Al Dewar
Regenerated into a brand new body full of teeth and curls, Paul & Geoff are joined once again by Al Dewar of Character Options, this time to commentate, opinionate and ruminate upon the legendary Tom Baker's very first Doctor Who story: ...
Season 1
Episode 185

Doctor Who - The Visitation: Parts 1 and 2 | COMMENTARY
Tegan wants to return to Heathrow Airport so she can actually start her new job in cabin crew and the Doctor is happy to oblige. Sadly the TARDIS lands three centuries too early and there's no sign of a Starbucks or even a duty free shop. Ju...
Season 1
Episode 184

Doctor Who - The Visitation: Parts 1 and 2 | COMMENTARY 🚀
Tegan wants to return to Heathrow Airport so she can actually start her new job in cabin crew and the Doctor is happy to oblige. Sadly the TARDIS lands three centuries too early and there's no sign of a Starbucks or even a duty free shop. Ju...
Subscriber Episode

Talking with Katie Haynes: Thirteenth Doctor Cosplayer and Voice Actor
Thirteenth Doctor cosplayer and voice actor Katie Haynes joins Geoff to talk about a whole lot of Thirteenth Doctor stuff!We chat about...the Chicago TARDIS conventionthe Team TARDIS novelsth...
Season 1
Episode 183

Katie Haynes Interview 🚀EXPLORERS
Thirteenth Doctor cosplayer and voice actor Katie Haynes joins Geoff to talk about a whole lot of Thirteenth Doctor stuff!We chat about...the Chicago TARDIS conventionthe Team TARDIS novelsth...
Subscriber Episode

Joy to the World Sonic Screwdriver REVIEW
The Doctor returns at Christmas in Joy to the World and brings with him a brand new look Sonic Screwdriver! Thanks to Al Dewar at Character Options for sending us this new edition of Fifteens Sonic to take a look at and revi...
Season 1
Episode 182

The Darkhill Mystery: Part One - an original Thirteenth Doctor audio drama
The Doctor did it!Hijacked in the time vortex and arrested for a crime she couldn’t have committed, the Doctor follows a trail of mystery to the planet Tabita where an old friend has been murdered and a fatal assassinati...
Season 1
Episode 181

The Darkhill Mystery: Part One - an original Thirteenth Doctor audio drama 🚀EXPLORERS
The Doctor did it!Hijacked in the time vortex and arrested for a crime she couldn’t have committed, the Doctor follows a trail of mystery to the planet Tabita where an old friend has been murdered and a fatal assassinati...
Subscriber Episode

Doctor Who: The Happiness Patrol Part 2 | COMMENTARY
"We apologise for the temporary break in joyfulness. As soon as the current disruption is dealt with, Happiness will resume!"The factory drones are on the march, Susan Q has doubts, Trevor Sigma is confused and Helen A struggles ...
Season 1
Episode 180

Doctor Who: The Happiness Patrol Part 1 | COMMENTARY
If you're feeling sad this week then what better way to lift the blues than by listening in to your Happy Hosts, Paul L and Geoff C as they cast their swirly eyes over the sinister goings-on in the dark streets of Terra Alpha in the iconic 7...
Season 1
Episode 179

Tomb of the Cybermen Review
The Doctor, Jamie and Victoria (not Vic) get involved in an exploration to unearth a lost tomb which houses legendary creatures...of course, once the tomb is opened, things do not go to plan...Following feedback from our recent L...
Season 1
Episode 178

Jonathan Wilkins - Editor of the Titan Comics Doctor Who range!
The Titan comics Doctor Who range has been running for a few years now, producing a whole host of excellent stories featuring long runs with the Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth Doctors plus mini series with Three, Four, Seven and the...
Season 1
Episode 177

Jonathan Wilkins - Editor of the Titan Comics Doctor Who range! 🚀
The Titan comics Doctor Who range has been running for a few years now, producing a whole host of excellent stories featuring long runs with the Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth Doctors plus mini series with Three, Four, Seven and the...
Subscriber Episode