

I am a 100% self-confessed Doctor Who nerd. It's true! Cut me like a stick of rock & you'll see the names of every producer from Verity Lambert to Chris Chibnall & beyond etched into my bones.
As a child of the 1970s I grew up with Tom Baker's wide-eyed stare creeping me out every Saturday night. I was the kid who cycled to the library every week, returning home with a Tesco carrier-bag stuffed with hardback Target novels knocking against the spokes of my Chopper.
In those days I lived for Doctor Who, Star Wars, Star Trek - anything with laser beams & cool spaceships. Now married with kids, my role in the world may have changed but my love of Doctor Who remains as strong as ever.
I'm a fan of Doctor Who in all its forms. I've been there throughout the show's many changes, and long may that continue.
