WHO Corner to Corner | Doctor Who Podcast

Essential Doctor Who | The Thirteenth Doctor

WHO C2C Season 1 Episode 79

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OH, BRILLIANT! This is the second in our new series within our podcast where we look at a specific Doctor and discuss our ESSENTIAL episodes for them! This time around, we're looking at the THIRTEENTH DOCTOR...

Paul and Geoff pick 5 episodes each which they feel are ESSENTIAL viewing, so that gives you 10 episodes in the list in all - a bit of extra bang for your buck there! These episodes may cover pivotal story arcs or just be ones we love to watch...or a bit of both!

Here we look at our ESSENTIAL Thirteenth Doctor episodes and discuss some of our favourite stand alone episodes, story arc episodes and discuss why we love some stories because of production challenges.

This episode is a celebration of all things Jodie Whittaker so tune in and check it out to get your gold star and a sticker for listening!

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Who Corner to Corner: Great guests and 100% positive Doctor Who chat!

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