WHO Corner to Corner | A Doctor Who Podcast
One Whoniverse. Fifteen Doctors (give or take). Two (though sometimes three) Whovians and a wealth of special guests from all corners of our favourite show! Join us as we explore the worlds of Doctor Who, past, present and future with cast, crew and fans from around the world!
Previous show guests include…
Chris Chibnall, Sophie Aldred, Colin Baker, Jo Martin, Miranda Raison, Ray Holman, Al Dewar, Lisa Greenwood, Craige Els, Sam Spruell, Dan Starkey, Pete Levy, Kevin McNally, Bhavnisha Parmar and many more!
WHO Corner to Corner | A Doctor Who Podcast
Doctor Who Commentary | Fugitive of the Judoon
Threaded through the entire 60+ years of Doctor Who there lurks a handful of stories that drop mountains into what we think of as the placid waters of the show's 'canon' or 'lore'.
Stories such as The Time Meddler, which first introduced us to another fugitive from the Doctor's home planet, or The War Games which transported viewers to its hallowed halls for the very first time, or The Deadly Assassin which gave us a whistle-stop tour of Gallifrey and established much of what has since been taken as the unshakeable truth of the Time Lords' heirarchy, history and way of life.
There are others too: The Three Doctors introduced us to one of the Time Lords' founders whilst The Five Doctors explored the hitherto unheard-of Dark Times of Gallifrey. There's Remembrance of the Daleks too, and Silver Nemesis, both of which suggested there may be more to the Doctor than we thought we knew.
Let's not forget 1976's The Brain of Morbius, which first posited the possibility that there may have been more incarnations of the Doctor which existed prior to what we fans think of as his first.
Fugitive of the Judoon arguably drops the most explosive bombshell into the canon of Doctor Who than any of these, not only confirming that the Doctor has more faces than she can remember, it's a story which showed us one of those faces in action!
And no one outside of the production cast and crew knew it was coming!
Grab your disc, queue the story and join us in real-time as Paul, Geoff and Freya relive the events of what we all thought was going to be a fun romp with Space Rhinos in Glastonbury. The return of Captain Jack? Pah! Fugitive of the Judoon had many more suprises waiting to unfold in its mere 50 minutes of run-time than that...
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Who Corner to Corner: Great guests and 100% positive Doctor Who chat!