WHO Corner to Corner | A Doctor Who Podcast
One Whoniverse. Fifteen Doctors (give or take). Two (though sometimes three) Whovians and a wealth of special guests from all corners of our favourite show! Join us as we explore the worlds of Doctor Who, past, present and future with cast, crew and fans from around the world!
Previous show guests include…
Chris Chibnall, Sophie Aldred, Colin Baker, Jo Martin, Miranda Raison, Ray Holman, Al Dewar, Lisa Greenwood, Craige Els, Sam Spruell, Dan Starkey, Pete Levy, Kevin McNally, Bhavnisha Parmar and many more!
WHO Corner to Corner | A Doctor Who Podcast
Doctor Who - Robot: Parts 1&2 | Commentary with Al Dewar
Regenerated into a brand new body full of teeth and curls, Paul & Geoff are joined once again by Al Dewar of Character Options, this time to commentate, opinionate and ruminate upon the legendary Tom Baker's very first Doctor Who story: ROBOT!
In this podcast we look at Robot's first two episodes, discussing deep and meaningful topics such as:
- Harry Sullivan's medical background
- Sarah Jane's Aunt Lavinia
- The Fourth Doctor's many costume changes
- UNIT and the Brigadier
- Kettlewell's crazy hair
- The brilliant design of the Robot
- Fascists and disintegrator guns!
As well as sharing his memories of watching this story first time round, Al Dewar tells us about the challenges of designing the Robot for Character Options and drops a few tantalising hints on some of the figures we might be seeing in 2025!
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Who Corner to Corner: Great guests and 100% positive Doctor Who chat!