WHO Corner to Corner | Doctor Who Podcast
One Whoniverse. Fifteen Doctors (give or take). Two (though sometimes three) Whovians and a wealth of special guests from all corners of our favourite show! Join us as we explore the worlds of Doctor Who, past, present and future with cast, crew and fans from around the world!
Previous show guests include…
Chris Chibnall, Sophie Aldred, Colin Baker, Jo Martin, Andrew Cartmel, Stephen Gallagher, Rona Munro, Phil Ford, Miranda Raison, Ray Holman, Al Dewar, Lisa Greenwood, Craige Els, Sam Spruell, Dan Starkey, Pete Levy, Kevin McNally, Bhavnisha Parmar and many more!
WHO Corner to Corner | Doctor Who Podcast
The Haunting of Villa Diodati: The First Time with Al Dewar
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On a dark and stormy night, by the side of Lake Geneva, in a candlelit house that defies the senses, a group of young poets gather to scare each other witless with chilling tales of terror and horror.
Gatecrashing their party, the 13th Doctor encounters ghosts and skeletons, the attentions of Lord Byron and a terrifying walking cadaver part man part machine, a lone Cyberman hunting a sentient weapon that will turn the tide of a future war...
The story of Mrs Doctor, Mary Shelley and the psychotic Ashad who hails from a future in which the Cybermen seek to destroy the last of Humanity, is widely regarded as a high point in the modern era of Doctor Who.
So when we convinced Character Options supremo Al Dewar to watch The Haunting of Villa Diodati for the VERY FIRST TIME, we were pretty confident he'd enjoy it!
But how does the genesis of The Modern Prometheus retold in the Doctor Who universe sit with Al?
- Will he ever see past 'the man in the suit'?
- What does he think of the Doctor's new plume?
- What will he make of The Cyberium and Ashad, one of the most irredeemably vicious foes the Doctor has ever encountered?
- Just how much extra did it cost to scan and sculpt Ashad into figure form!?
Listen in to find out as we collect the instruments of life around us, that they might infuse a spark of being into Al's journey through the escapades of the 13th Doctor...
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Who Corner to Corner: Great guests and 100% positive Doctor Who chat!