WHO Corner to Corner | Doctor Who Podcast

Doctor Who Commentary | Orphan 55

WHO C2C Season 1 Episode 76

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We're trying something different for this episode - make it interactive and fire up your copy of Orphan 55 (from Series 12) and watch along as we talk our way through the episode!

We discuss...

  •  the horrific Dregs
  • the Alien and Aliens influences on this episode
  • the Truman Show angle
  • we throw in some Avatar and Inbetweeners references
  • reminisce about Classic Who and the similarities in this episode to some Seventh Doctor adventures
  • we ponder what on earth is going on with the tentacle at the start

...and generally have a lot of fun discussing this cracking episode!

Join us as we venture to Orphan 55!

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Who Corner to Corner: Great guests and 100% positive Doctor Who chat!

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